Lonely Planet - The Africa Book - a Journey Through Every Country in the Continent

Lonely Planet - The Africa Book - a Journey Through Every Country in the Continent


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  • Sebo Cia do Saber Rua Saldanha Marinho. 391 - Loja - 03 Centro - Florianópolis / SC Atendimento Segunda à Sexta das 9:00 às 18:00 Sábados das 9:00 às 13:00
"* * * * BOM, Livro Usado, Sobre capa, capas, lombada e cortes conservados. Miolo conservado, livre de grifos ou rasuras.
Encadernação: Capa Dura, ISBN: 9781741046021, Formato: 24X31X2.5 Cm, Idioma: Inglês, 263 Páginas. , Editora: Lonely Planet, Ano: 2007
Sinopse: Africa: A Continent Of Exhilirating Adventure, Fascinating Cultures And Extraordinary Wildlife And Landscapes, Where Just One Experience Will Never Quite Articulate The Magic Of The Place. Herds Of Wild Animals Crossing Acacia-Dotted Plains, Remote Cultures That Time Seems To Have Forgotten, The Monumental Vestiges Of Crumbled Empires, As Well Ast He Dire ... Imagem Ilustrativa, Tag E-7801419 Revval"

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